Consulting service of meat-and-dairy business
Company Dairy Global Experts (DGE) - brought together the best team of industry professionals that focus on result. Experts help producers to achieve consistently high financial performance by ensuring:
- regular innovation;
- own production;
- guaranteed output to performance targets.
In Consultation Center DGE work 50 people, including highly qualified veterinarians, technicians for the production of milk and meat, milking managers, farm managers, experts in cattle feeding, agronomists, economists and international experts with 10 and more years of experience. Our company employs specialists with great practical experience and focused on results.
We provide a full range of services for the production, effective management and control at all stages of reproduction, feeding, maintenance, veterinary and breeding farms for dairy and meat industry.
Principal directions:
- reduce the cost of production of milk and meat;
- increase in productivity and reproduction of the herd;
- monitoring of production processes;
- optimization of conditions of feeding and maintenance;
- introduction of innovative technologies production of milk and meat;
- ensure maximum of genetic progress;
- recruitment, training and motivation of professionals;
- increase the profitability of meat-and-dairy business.
List of services:
- Express audit of farm (defining the current state of farm; situational forecasting for the next period).
- Full technological support of meat and dairy farming:
- administrative support;
- zootechnical support;
- veterinary support;
- economical support;
- agronomical support;
- laboratory support.
- Preparation and balancing of rations for dairy and beef herds, control of feeding.
- Programme for control and management of a commercial dairy farm (UniformAgri, TMR-traker).
- Selection of food reserve and technology of fodder growing.
- Planning of pasturing.
- Selection of livestock and compilation of movement of livestock.
- Selection and optimization of work equipment on the farm.
- Implementation of effective management on the farm.
- Business planning of commercial dairy farms.
- Designing of commercial dairy farm.
- Recruitment and personnel training.
- Supplying of high-producing cattle of meat and dairy breeds.
Our experts use modern equipment for their work:
Ultrasound scanners.
Mobile feed laboratory and a complete set of equipment for it.
The portable moisture analyzer, milk quality tester (including somatic cells count), electronic thermometers, separation sieves and others.