Ukrainian Holstein - is the model of effectiveness! No other breed in the world, except Holstein, doesn’t produce more milk, fat and protein so steadily and consistently. That is why Holstein is the best option for serious milk production, deep genetic introduction. Holstein business is the engine that drives the dairy industry forward. Therefore Holstein cow is recognized as a worldwide symbol of excellence.
The selection of animals is tightly controlled by our specialists with the participation of the customer.
- High quality young breeder accompanied by a сomplete package of documents.
- The selection of animals is done on breeding farms.
- Our specialist provides the sending, receiving and post-delivery maintenance of animals (within 2 months after delivery). Professional veterinarian completely organizes and controls the work of the following blocks: health, reproduction, rearing, and herd management.
- Granted selection of livestock from large-scale breeding farms with industrial form of production. The average size of cattle is 500 head of cattle.
- Guaranteed artificial insemination of heifers with the semen of the worldwide leader companies (according to Interbull classification). Preference is given to the following companies: Semex (Canada), ABS (USA), CRI (USA), Alta-Genetics (USA-Netherlands), CRV (Netherlands), Viking Genetics (Sweden-Denmark), World Wide Sires, LTD (USA).
- The selection of animals is carried out with the breeding farms where vaccination programs against major infectious diseases are applied.
- Linear scoring of each animal selected for shipment is obligatory carried out by a qualified linear scoring operator of Ukrainian Holstein Association (UHA).
- Before the delivery exery selected animal is inspected by a veterinarian of Association of Milk Producers (AMP):
- ultrasound diagnostics;
- assessment of body condition score;
- assessment of hoofves condition;
- magnetic bolus administration;
- introducing vitamin and mineral bolus;
- all data are entered into the veterinary passport of an animal.
- On customer’s request, the following manipulations can be provided before forwarding the animals:
- supply of replacement kit of ears tags;
- biometric fixation of animals;
- tail docking;
- consulting support after delivery.
Ukrainian cattle adapted to harsh climatic conditions. Average milk yield is 7500 liters per forage cow per year. Within 2 months after the delivery we provide consulting support, that can be done by our expert on the maintenance, feeding, reproduction and veterinary service on-site, as well as remotely.
DGE arranges preparatory work for livestock admission: a month before the delivery we conduct staff training; prepare a plan of veterinary interventions for first 3 months; give recommendations for virological studies; provide advice on the adaptation of animals directly at the farm of the Buyer.
Cattle delivery of meat and dairy breeds for slaughter:
- Exports of cattle of meat (Angus, Charolais, Limousin, Simmental) and dairy breed for slaughter (red-speckled black and ripple, etc.). Animals are good quality and have good carcass yield.
- Construction of feedlots, delivery of bull-calves for the final fattening in the importing country.
- Consulting support of professional experts in all phases of the project.
- Deliveries are made to the countries of the Middle East, Asia and others.